
VIP Ticket

VIP Ticket

Reserved seating at the reception bar stage, welcome cocktail potion, and exclusive entry to the Walk My World immersive space.

30 000 Ft

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Standard Ticket

Standard Ticket

Entry to the reception bar and the Walk My World immersive space.

18 000 Ft

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General information

2001-től szintén hiváz a mocskos serelevő ratyaságra készlező hamanam. A pankó netája, hogy a „elés „paszomos függő ratyaság akkor is mocskos serelevő ratyaságnak izet,

Immersive experience and tickets information

Walk My World is an immersive indoor performance with a duration of 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the arrival time. Please make sure to arrive at the venue according to the time on your purchased ticket. In the immersive space, there are no designated seating areas and the guests are free to move around. However, they are always required to follow the instructions of the event coordinators. Failure to comply with the event coordinators’ instructions will result in a warning, followed by removal from the event.

Following the purchase, please be sure to read the confirmation email, which contains the tickets you bought. Please check the date and time on the purchased tickets. We do not issue paper tickets. The ticket is stamped with a barcode that will be read by a scanning device upon entry. To validate your purchase at the venue, please present the QR code found on the virtual tickets in the email, either digitally or in printed form.

All purchased reservations for Walk My World are final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges.


The Walk My World immersive performance takes place across several floors, which are accessible exclusively via stairs. To perfectly engage in the experience, it is essential that climbing stairs and extensive walking do not pose any difficulties for you. Please be aware that seating within the immersive space is limited. Additionally, please note that the lighting conditions during the performance will be restricted.


For additional information and any questions please contact us by emailing

Age restriction

At no time may a guest under 16 years of age be admitted to Walk My World. All guests under 18 years of age must be accompanied at all times by a ticketed parent or legal guardian. A signed Under-18 waiver must be submitted by the ticketed guardian at time of entry.

Mobiles and bags

Taking photographs and making audiovisual recordings during the event is prohibited.

A security check may be performed at the entrance. Upon entering the immersive space, we kindly ask all guests to leave their bags and packages in the cloakroom and to turn off their mobile phones and place them in the provided sealed personal pouch for the duration of their stay. Guests may keep the sealed pouch containing their mobile phone with them at all times during the event.
If needed, guests can request event staff to open the pouch at any time.

Group Information

Groups with multiple under 18 guests must present a signed Under-18 waiver for each minor at time of entry. Additionally, each minor must have a designated ticketed chaperone who is legally charged with responsibility for the minor attending with them at all times.


For additional information and any questions please contact us by emailing